Works Cited

Carolyn, Elizabeth. Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture. Stanford UP, 2013.

Carvalho, Luís Mendonça et al. “History and Cultivation of Parma Violets (Viola, Violaceae) in the United Kingdom and France in the Nineteenth Century.” Harvard Papers in Botany, vol. 18, no. 2, December 2013, 137-45.

“Gordon Bottomley.” A Guide to Twentieth Century Literature in English. Edited by Harry Blamires, Routledge, n.p.

Field, Michael. Long Ago. George Bell and Sons, 1889.

-----. Long Ago. Thomas B. Mosher, 1897.

Lucuara, Mayron Estefan Cantillo. “Michael Field’s Sapphism: An Ontology of the Feminine in Long Ago (1889)”. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality, no. 24, Oct. 2018, pp. 205-22.

Parker, Sarah and Ana Parejo Vadillo. Michael Field: Decadent Moderns. Ohio UP, 2019.

Prins, Yopie. Victorian Sappho. Princeton UP, 1999.

Rota, Anthony B. “Bertram Rota and His Bookshop.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, 1992.

Sturgeon, Mary C. Michael Field. London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1922.

“Sweet Violets.” Hampshire/Portsmouth Telegraph, 11 Mar. 1893. British Library Newspapers, Accessed 24 May 2022.

“The Bibelot Series.” The Bibelot, Thomas B. Mosher, 1895, p. 238. Accessed via

The Diaries of Michael Field. Accessed via

“The house of a forgotten writer.” The Westmorland Gazette, 8 Feb 2002,

“Violets.” Sheffield Independent, 10 Apr. 1886, p. 8. British Library Newspapers, Accessed 24 May 2022.

Vilain, Jean-Franc̜ois and Philip R. Bishop. Thomas Bird Mosher and the Art of the Book. F. A. Davis Company, 1992.

Wharton, Henry Thornton. Sappho: Memoir, Text, Selected Renderings and A Literal Translation. London: David Stott, 1887.

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