Liminal Spaces

Led by my great-grandmother’s photo album, I have touched upon a vast panoply of possible routes of exploration. From history, to psychoanalytic theory, to arts-based research I have tried to come up with an evenly produced narrative that is neither a purely academic treatise, nor too dramatically self-referential. I have foundered when talking from the inside and wandering on the outside and have landed somewhere in between. I argue that these liminal areas of in-between are the places where I have been able to meet my ancestors and finally reach some of my contemporary cousins. Through academic foraging and literal driving through Romanian countryside, I have made and shared my discoveries. I suggest this exhibit is akin to the open road, as Jack Kerouac remarked “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars”. I offer my work as one roadmap ahead, and a reaching of my hand out to next generations who are of any place and time.