Iosef Weisman

It is a testimony to Emil’s graciousness that he was willing to walk out with me in the deep chill of the rainy Peatra Neamt morning to venture to the Jewish cemetery. Emil hailed a cab, refusing my offer to use my rental car and we sped over to the cemetery. Climbing up a hill we entered through a gate to another place with leaning gravestones, and covered with growing bushes and weeds.  We had to pace out the rows to find Josef Weisman’s grave (see Figure 74). Emil was meticulous, explaining that the row numbers were confused, as each time someone dies, the relatives want to place the grave at the front of the cemetery. Emil has no knowledge of Hebrew, and most of the older tombstones were written in Hebrew that I couldn’t decipher. I snapped photos as I walked, thinking that later I could have them translated.