User Roles & Permissions
Roles and Permissions
There are two levels of roles and permissions:
1. The installation level (all the sites, all the items, etc.)
2. The site level (individual sites)
The following is a detailed breakdown of permissions for each user role at the installation level:
Global Admin
- Full privileges (create, edit, delete) of item, item sets, media, resource templates, site pages, sites, and users.
- Full privileges for modules - install, activate, configure.
- Search, read, create, and delete privileges for Vocabularies
Site Administrator
- Full privileges (create, edit, delete) of item, item sets, media, resource templates, site pages, sites, and users.
- Browse-only privileges for modules in the module tab. Site administrators can interact with active modules where appropriate.
- Search, read, and create privileges for Vocabularies (cannot delete)
- Full privileges (create, edit, delete) of item, item sets, media, resource templates, and site pages
- Can search, read, and create sites and users, and edit or delete sites they own. Can only delete their own user profile.
- Search and read only privileges for vocabularies.
- No privileges for modules
- Can search, read, create, and edit all items, item sets, and media. Can only delete those items, item sets, and media.
- Can be added to a site at the Manager levels, which enables them to search, read, create, edit, and delete site pages. If a Reviewer has not beed added as a site user, they will have read-only access to that site's content.
- Search and read only privileges for vocabularies and resource templates.
- No privileges for modules
- Can search, read, add items, item sets, and media. Can only edit or delete content which the user has created.
- Can be added to a site at the Manager level, which enables them to search, read, create, edit, and delete site pages. If an author has not beed added as a site user, they will have read-only access to that site's content.
- Search and read only privileges for vocabularies and sites.
- No privileges for modules
- Search and read-only privileges for all content, sites, and users.
- No privileges for modules