Welcome to the DHSI 2021 – Online Edition Poster and Digital Demonstration Exhibit!
This exhibit is part of the DHSI 2021 – Online Edition Conference and Colloquium, co-chaired by Caroline Winter (U Victoria) and Arun Jacob (U Toronto).
Since 2009, the DHSI Conference & Colloquium has been a valued part of the annual Digital Humanities Summer Institute. The DHSI Conference & Colloquium offers an opportunity to present diverse, dynamic digital humanities research and projects within an engaging, collegial audience that actively fosters the ethos of the greater DHSI community.
Although we’re not able to gather together in person this year for DHSI 2021, we are delighted to be able to hold our annual Conference & Colloquium in a virtual space as part of the DHSI 2021 — Online Edition (June 7–11 and 14–18).
In addition to these posters and digital demonstrations, the Conference & Colloquium features conference talks and lightning talks, all of which are accessible to registered participants.
Visit the Conference & Colloquium page on the DHSI website for more information. We hope you'll also join our community on Twitter by following #DHSIConf and #DHSI21.
Viewing the Exhibit
This exhibit is organized into pages for Posters, Digital Demonstrations, and Publication Announcements.
These pages can be accessed from the main menu at the top of the screen. To view a particular item, simply click on the red title to access the poster or video and its abstract and associated metadata.