The Symbols of Genetic Criticism
Gabler's Notation
Gabler's Three Volumes
Gabler Edition Cover Cover of 1984 edition of Ulysses edited by Gabler et al.
A Topographical Guide to James Joyce's Ulysses Map of Dublin
My Annotated Version An image of the annotations that were done in my copy of the novel, the same as the 1969 edition, by my grandfather.
Image James Joyce Image of James Joyce by Conrad Ruf
Short Paper
James Joyce Quaterly Open discussion of scholars, fans, editors, and all cult addicts of James Joyce
Annotations on End Paper of Modern Library Ulysses A list of words handwritten in pencil on the end paper of the book, underneath the copy of the Gilbert Schema
Literature Review Review of discourse between editors, Joyce, and general public taste
Gilbert Schema in Modern Library Ulysses A typewritten copy of the Gilbert schema taped in the back cover of the book. Each episode has its corresponding page number handwritten beside it, in the same handwriting as the list of numbers on the last page. There are additional notes in pencil and three different shades of blue ink.
Annotations on last page of Modern Library Ulysses A series of handwritten numbers: 13,17 (written in pencil), 75, 82, 160, 164 (written in red pencil) 204-05, 262, 400, 516, 531, 667 (written in pencil)
Annotation in Modern Library Ulysses Annotation reading "Chaucer" written in pencil.
Annotation in Modern Library Ulysses An annotation reading "Old English" written in pencil.
Annotation in Modern Library Ulysses The lines "Ireland... has the honour of being the only country which never persecuted the jews... because she never let them in" underlined in red pencil.
UVic Library Label in Modern Library Ulysses A University of Victoria label noting that the book came from the collection of Dr. Patricia Köster
Annotations in Modern Library Ulysses The line "History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake" underlined in red pencil.
Nameplates in Modern Library Ulysses Two ex libris nameplates on the front endpaper of Ulysses. The one on the left contains a quote from Carlyle reading, "May blessings be upon the head of Cadmus, the Phoenicians, or whoever it was that invented books." The name Mary Corder is printed on the label. The one on the right contains an image of a pegasus and the name Patricia Carsters handwritten in blue ink.
Front Cover of 1946 Modern Library edition of Ulysses The front cover of Patricia Köster's copy of Ulysses. The cover is significantly worn and tattered around the edges, and the cover design also incorporates imagery of ripped paper.
"The Little Review" - July, 1918: Table of Contents The table of contents in "The Little Review": A Magazine of the Arts. July 1918 edition. Containing pieces written by James Joyce and Ezra Pound.
"The Little Review" - July, 1918: Inner Cover Page The inner cover of "The Little Review": A Magazine of the Arts. July 1918 edition. Containing pieces written by James Joyce and Ezra Pound.
"The Little Review" - May, 1918: Table of Contents The table of contents in "The Little Review": A Magazine of the Arts. May 1918 edition. Containing pieces written by James Joyce and Ezra Pound.
"The Little Review" - May, 1918: Cover Page The cover of "The Little Review": A Magazine of the Arts. May 1918 edition. Containing pieces written by James Joyce and Ezra Pound
Ulysses Map of Dublin