List of Previous Editions of Ulysses in the 1937 Bodley Head Trade Edition
Cover Page of the 1937 Bodley Head Trade Edition
The Spine of the 1937 Bodley Head Trade Edition
Cover of 1937 Bodley Head Trade Edition
Hamilton, Richard. Sandycove, 1988. An illustration of Stephen's expedition across the Sandymount Strand in the "Proteus" episode of Ulysses, by Richard Hamilton. The illustration is one of eighteen intaglio prints produced by Hamilton inspired by Ulysses; one for each episode of the novel.
Arroyo, Eduardo. Ulysses, 2022. An illustration from the centennial edition of Ulysses, by Spanish artist Eduardo Arroyo. Arroyo employed various techniques, including collage, ink, and watercolour, to evoke the abstracted Dublin of Joyce's novel. Arroyo's work was originally concocted in 1991, with the intention of producing an illustrated edition commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Joyce's death. Due to rejection of the edition by the author's grandson, Stephen Joyce, publication was withheld. However, Arroyo continued to work on the edition, which remained one of his dearest projects into his final years, and was finally published posthumously in 2022, four years following the illustrator's death.
Motherwell, Robert. Ulysses, 1947. Painting by Robert Motherwell, entitled after Joyce's novel. The work dates from early in Motherwell's career, painted onto a piece of cardboard attached to part of a wooden crate. Motherwell first read Ulysses while travelling through Europe 1935. Affected by Joyce's style, particularly the stream-of-consciousness guiding artistic expression through innermost thoughts and feelings, Motherwell forever return to Ulysses for creative motivation. He eventually took on the entire novel in a 1980s illustrated edition.
Matisse, Henri. Ulysses, 1935. Illustration for the 1935 edition of Ulysses by Henri Matisse, commissioned by Joyce. Much to Joyce's chagrin, Matisse's illustrations do not depict the world of Joyce's novel. Matisse was, instead, compelled to produce scenes from the Calypso, Aelous, Cyclops, Nausicaa, Circe, and Ithaca episodes of the novel's source, Homer's Odyssey.
Score for Three Choruses by Hugh Wood A Score for Hugh Wood's Three Choruses, isolated to the "Sirens" movement.
A Topographical Guide to James Joyce's Ulysses Map V - “Calypso”, the second half of “Hades”, “Wandering Rocks”, and “Ithaca”
Ulysses Map of Dublin Sepia tone map of greater Dublin area
Price tag The price tag on the book (sixty francs)
Book cover and spine of the book A picture of the book cover and spine of the book
Publication page The publication page indicates this is the fifth edition of the first pressing.
Dedalus on the Shore Fig.1 Photograph of a fragment from watercolour painting Dedalus on the Shore(2016) by Victoria artist Robert Amos. A rendering of the shadow of Stephen Dedalus, in the "Proteus" episode of James Joyce's Uysses.
Dedalus on the Shore Fig. 4 Photograph of a fragment from watercolour painting Dedalus on the Shore(2016) by Victoria artist Robert Amos. Pictures flecks of blue watercolour paint on page, accompanied by quotation from the "Proteus" episode of James Joyce's Ulysses. It reads, "signs on a white field."
Bloom's budget Bloom's daily budget for June 16, 1904
Dedalus on the Shore Fig. 3 Photograph of a fragment from watercolour painting Dedalus on the Shore(2016) by Victoria artist Robert Amos. Pictures rendering of the shadow of Stephen Dedalus twice, once in blue, once in purple, indicating figure movement along the page. Accompanied by quotation from the "Proteus" episode of James Joyce's Ulysses. It reads, "would it be mine form of my form?"
Dedalus on the Shore Fig. 2 Photograph of a fragment from watercolour painting Dedalus on the Shore(2016) by Victoria artist Robert Amos. Pictures a close-up of a rendering of the shadow of Stephen Dedalus, accompanied by quotations from the "Proteus" episode of James Joyce's Ulysses. It reads, "I throw this shadow from me manshape ineluctable."
Two Worlds Monthly Vol. 2 No. 2 Inner Page
The Essentials of James Joyce - Editors Preface An image of The Essentials of James Joyce, 1948, Edited by Harry Levin.
The Essentials of James Joyce - Back of Book An Image of The Essentials of James Joyce, 1948, Edited by Henry Levin.
The Essentials of James Joyce - Cover An image of The Essentials of James Joyce, 1948, Edited by Harry Levin.
An Obvious Observation. Prayer? For some reason? Also lead to confusion within the first draft.
Circe’s Delusions Perception of personal bias and confusion.